
Dr. Jossart is an Accredited Surgeon with The American Society of Metabolic and Bariatric Surgeons and the American College of Surgeons. He is an In Network Center of Excellence or Center of Medical Experience Surgeon with most insurance companies as listed below. California Pacific Medical Center in San Francisco(Pacific campus) and Good Samaritan Medical Center in San Jose(Samaritan Drive) are Center of Excellence Hospitals with nearly all of the insurance companies.

Confirm Coverage

Send your details to our insurance specialists and we can help confirm the coverage you should expect under your provider.

Blue Cross

In network
Center of Medical Experience surgeon


In network
Center of Excellence surgeon


In network
Center of Excellence surgeon

Blue Shield

In network

Sutter Select

In network

Brown and Toland Medical Group

In network

United HealthCare

In network
Center of Distinction surgeon

Don't see your provider listed here?

Many insurance providers have partnerships with some of the above to ensure wider coverage. Check with our staff quickly by providing your provider details in the form above.